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Make a difference
through your message and your words 

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Why did THIS movie get picked?

Is it reasonable to expect over half of the people in any given group pick the same somewhat random movie?  Something doesn’t smell right.  Here’s the scenario: There were about 750 copywriters back in spring of 2023, participating in a AI challen...

Get your audience "Super" familiar with your offer

When our car’s windshield cracked, I immediately knew who to call.  But something inside my brain stopped me.  WHY did I think of that business?  We had never used them before. I hadn’t had any conversations with family or friends about cracks in ...

6 ways to get MORE from your webinar

“Copywriters: You are a magician. You type words on a keyboard…and make money appear out of think air.”   This may seem like a wild statement from A-list copywriter, Kim Krause Schwalm but it’s true!    I was talking to a friend recently about he...

The Hidden ICA definition you haven’t considered (aka What’s your d...

How do you create content to best connect with your dream clients? Your strategy really depends on where they fall on the levels of awareness. Eugene Schwartz, in his classic and oft-quoted “Breakthrough Advertising,” outlined these 5 stages of cust...

Two ways to reassure your readers and build trust

A couple of copywriting tips tucked in #HaikuMondays. Over on LinkedIn several of us post a haiku every Monday. If you don't remember from your high school English class, a haiku is a poem with 5 syllables in the first and third line and 7 syllables ...

Yes, please give me your thoughts and opinion!

Growing up in the California desert, my brother and I loved reading stories about the wild, wild west. It was easy to imagine ourselves as early settlers in the area and needing to fight range wars or protect our horses from thieves. That classic im...

How to write your weekly emails to build the know, like, and trust ...

If you procrastinate writing your weekly emails… If you sit down to write your weekly emails and freeze at the blank page… If you struggle trying to figure out what to write… You can make ONE small change to write emails that flow!    Here’s my ...

Did you listen to this in high school?

"But I see your true colorsShining throughI see your true colorsAnd that's why I love youSo don't be afraid to let them showYour true colorsTrue colors are beautifulLike a rainbow"Cyndi Lauper's True Colors (1984) I love this song. Not only do I rem...

What's your perfect day look like?

A couple of years ago, while sitting in a rather boring session at an HR Conference, I began sketching out what I wanted my ideal workweek to look like. I wanted to write content on Mondays. I wanted to have meetings scheduled on Tuesdays, Wednesdays...
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